THIS IS IT FOLKS! The very final chapter. This is the end of Ranma 1/2 and for the most part the end of our Project. Hope you all had fun. ^_^
I'm doing my standard READ ME up here at the top, and then my ridiculously long FAQ after this.
Here comes The Phoenix Mountain Saga! Part 19 of 19, courtesy of EvlNabiki & SHADE & TomCat! :D

Our main archive is located at:
We also have two mirror sites at: and

Here is the final list of all the pages done by our project:
Book 17, Parts 5-11 (RM17-001 -- RM-004 & RM17-069 -- RM17-182)
Book 18, Parts 1-11 (RM18-001 -- RM18-182)
Book 19, Parts 1-11 (RM19-001 -- RM19-184)
Book 20, Parts 1-11 (RM20-001 -- RM20-182)
Book 21, Parts 1-11 (RM21-001 -- RM21-184)
Book 22, Parts 1-11 (RM22-001 -- RM22-182)
Book 23, Parts 1-11 (RM23-001 -- RM23-186)
Book 24, Parts 1-11 (RM24-001 -- RM24-182)
Book 25, Parts 1-11 (RM25-001 -- RM25-182)
Book 26, Parts 1-11 (RM26-001 -- RM26-185)
Book 27, Parts 1-11 (RM27-001 -- RM27-186)
Book 28, Parts 1-11 (RM28-001 -- RM28-182)
Book 29, Parts 1-11 (RM29-001 -- RM29-186)
Book 30, Parts 1-11 (RM30-001 -- RM30-184)
Book 31, Parts 1-11 (RM31-001 -- RM31-182)
Book 32, Parts 1-11 (RM32-001 -- RM32-184)
Book 33, Parts 1-11 (RM33-001 -- RM33-182)
Book 34, Parts 1-11 (RM34-001 -- RM34-182)
Book 35, Parts 1-11 (RM35-001 -- RM35-184)
Book 36, Parts 1-11 (RM36-001 -- RM36-182)
Book 37, Parts 1-10 (RM37-001 -- RM37-180)
Book 38, Parts 1-09 (RM38-001 -- RM38-178)

1. DON'T CHANGE THE NAMES! I really really hate that. Also, don't remove credits from the title pages and then repost them like that. It takes a lot of effort to do these.

2. Obviously I don't hold any copyright on this stuff. It's not mine to begin with, what we're doing here is just a personal hobby for us. So do whatever you want with them. Want to colorize them? Great, make sure I get a copy. Want to put up a chapter or twelve on your web site? Great, just let me know.
What I DON'T want you to do is sell them. Give them away free, share with your friends, but if you start selling them that creates legal crap. And if you download one of our translations, I expect you to own up to it and buy the manga proper when Viz finally gets up to it. Our team is only doing this as a temporary Ranma Fan(atic) fix cause we can't wait ten years (literally, I worked out the math) for them to get around to them all.

4. I love getting email. Comments? Criticisms? Loved it? Hated it? Lemme know. ^_^

The New Ranma 1/2 Project Team:
235 Chapters of Ranma Translations!

Selfishly putting ourselves up top cause it was our idea:
SHADE & EvlNabiki------------27 Chapters

Our helpful web guys:
Wei Jing Guo, Dark Alpha

Our multilingual script writer guy:
Shih-Schon Lin

Our diligent and underpaid translators:
Kyle Emmerson----------------27 Chapters
Rajesh Chopdekar-------------22 1/2 Chapters
Jason Bridgmon---------------22 Chapters
DarkAsh----------------------18 Chapters
Dark Alpha-------------------15 Chapters
AnimeBill--------------------13 Chapters
Lockeheed Dragon-------------13 Chapters
Gary Kleppe------------------11 1/2 Chapters
TomCat-----------------------9 Chapters
Doug_W-----------------------8 Chapters
...sage----------------------7 Chapters
Jessica Platon---------------7 Chapters
Tom Lee----------------------5 Chapters
[--==>RaNMa<==--]------------4 Chapters
Baladen----------------------4 Chapters
Dave Peterson----------------4 Chapters
MojoBaka---------------------4 Chapters
RyogaSama--------------------4 Chapters
Bradster---------------------3 Chapters
Shinkinrui-------------------2 Chapters
Denise D.--------------------1 Chapter
Ian Carr---------------------1 Chapter
Scuttle----------------------1 Chapter
Willy Tanuwidjaja------------1 Chapter
Team Practice chapter--------1 Chapter



Hello everyone! SHADE here. ^_^
Since at long last our project is finished, I felt it would be a good idea for me to write up some sort of FAQ containing the basic information people might want to know about our work. But because I'm a talkative freak, I'm going to rattle on 47 times too long about lots of esoteric stuff that doesn't really matter.
So this FAQ is divided into two general sections. I'm going to write all the really important stuff right up here at the top, so people who just want to get the lowdown on our stuff can do it quickly. And for the three or four of you out there with WAY too much time your hands who desire to really know all about our work, how we did it, the processes, the pains, the punishment, I'll tack all that stuff onto the end. Gotta warn you though, once you get me going, I never shut up. ^^

But before I get into ANY of that stuff, I need to do my very very important disclaimer stuff. Please read this, it's important.
The rights to commercially release all things Ranma 1/2 in North America belong to Viz Comics and Viz Video. All the chapters of translations done by our project are a personal hobby project. THEY ARE NOT TO BE SOLD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. They are given out free. You may use them in any way you wish. You may colorize them (just send me a copy), posted on websites, given to your friends, whatever the heck you want. If you want to use our scans to translate them into yet another language, go for it. There are a few people already working on that. I make no claim to them.
But you must not sell them. And more importantly, if you download and keep our translations, I expect you to be honorable and buy the Viz comics version when they finally get up to it. We only did this as a temporary fill-in for their work, not to replace it. We have to keep buying the comics to support Viz so they'll keep doing the anime too, which you can bet we're never going to touch.
I had a long conversation with someone on this subject a while back. This person felt that all anime and manga fans are essentially cheap, selfish jerks who want to get everything for free. I defended our collective community of fans, choosing to think better of them. I feel that any true fan would buy the official version too, and that non-fans would only have their appetites wetted by reading our stuff, and would then go buy the real deal. Especially since we're only doing the second half of the series, and there's the entire first half to get, which we will never do.
So now that I have defended you, please don't make me into a liar.

Now on with the FAQ! ^_^

Home ...... Part I of the Ranma FAQ