
JoJo July 2009

JoJo is the founder and leader of JoJoHot (热情汉化组), one of the most popular and well-known scanlation groups in China. Similar to Toriyams's World in terms of popularity, JoJoHot scanlates various shounen series, most of which come from Shueisha's Weekly Shounen Jump. Like many other Chinese scanlation groups, JoJoHot is a forum-based group. JoJoHot is very similar to the speed scanlators found in the English scene, scanlating magazine raws every week as they come out.

*Note that this interview was originally conducted in Chinese, so Chinese version of the questions and the responses are also included. Also, JoJo took some texts from the Baidu Encyclopedia entry on JoJoHot for the first and second question.


JoJo: 我是JOJO,JOJOHOT的创始人。JOJO是一部动漫作品的名字,而热情汉化组的成立也是缘由这个名字。

Please introduce yourself!

JoJo: I'm JoJo, the founder of JoJoHot. JoJo is the name of a manga, which is also where the group got its name from.


JoJo: 那时(那年?)我(一个26岁北京男孩)想汉化《JOJO》,但一个人想直接汉化《JOJO》是不可能的,所以就想先成立一个小组,人多力量大嘛。”当时在国内看漫画十分艰难, 找到日文版本看不明白,大陆又没有正版出售。JOJO把这形象地比喻成好像美国当初禁酒、喝不到,而大家又看不到什么时候能够“解禁”。这估计是国内众多 漫画爱好者的切身感受。热情汉化组就是在这样的“危急关头”,在互联网上应运而生了。在没有网络以前,我总是觉得方圆几十里都没有一个喜欢漫画的知己,而 在网络世界里,我找到了知己并组成了一个充满热情的团队。

团队最开始翻译的漫画是大名鼎鼎的《火影》,回忆起那段艰苦创业的日子,当时大家都没有网络合作的概念,都是在‘等’,很多人甚至怀疑我们真的能坚持到 底。”那次的翻译效果和质量都不尽如人意,但是热情汉化组这个心怀梦想的团队却从种种磨练中总结经验、慢慢成长起来。我拒绝刊登自己的个人照片,理由是:“热情汉化组是个团队,不是我个人,所有成绩都是大家努力的成果。” JOJOHOT拒绝商业广告演绎公益漫画。

如今,我既不精通日语,也不是专业学习网络知识的JOJO通过5年的努力,但是热情汉化组却发展得有声有色。热情汉化组的作品有着广泛的读者,但是 JOJOHOT依然坚持着建站之初的誓言——拒绝任何商业广告。 JOJOHOT借用漫画人物做了不少公益广告,从单纯的翻译漫画到借漫画人物之口宣传公益,这也算是热情论坛的又一另类之举,因为这样的创意在国内实属首 创。动漫公益广告由此诞生了。如今,“热情公益”在论坛里的声望和地位都越来越高,也是因为热情论坛里Hitomi的辛苦。


Let's talk a bit about JoJoHot. When was the group formed? Why did you create JoJoHot?

JoJo: At the time (which year?) I (a 26-year-old guy living in Beijing) wanted to scanlate JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but it's impossible to scanlate JoJo by just one person, so I thought of forming a group, because with more people we can get more work done! Back then it wasn't easy to read manga in mainland China, you can't understand Japanese raws, and legitimate versions didn't exist. It was like the ban on alcohol in America back then, you can't drink it, and you don't know when the ban will be lifted. I think this was how most people in China felt. JoJoHot was born on the Internet in a special time like this. Before the Internet, it felt like there was no manga fan within miles, on the Internet, I quickly found people who shared the same interest and was able to form a group.

The group's first project was the popular Naruto. Remembering those harsh days, at the time, the concept of teamwork over the Internet did not exist, and everyone simply waited. Many wondered at the time if we could make it. Although our translations and quality weren't ideal back then, but through various hardship and obstacles, JoJoHot slowly grew stronger. I refused to publish my pictures online because I believed JoJoHot is about the team, not just about myself, and its products are the result of everyone's hardwork. That's why we also refused to put any advertisement in our work or try to make money off of it

Today, although I'm neither proficient in Japanese nor good at web technology, JoJoHot still managed to grow nicely after 5 years of existence. JoJoHot has a large audience, but the group still holds onto its core value—reject all commercial advertising. JoJoHot created many public service ads using manga characters, from simply translating manga to lending manga characters to help create public welfare ads is another one of JoJoHot's accomplishments. "Public Service with Passion" is one of the first of its kind in China, and its popularity is rising each day, especially thanks to the hard works of Hitomi from our forum.

The following would best describe JoJoHot: Using manga to spread public spread let the current generation and the next generation of Chinese people rediscover passion. JoJoHot's URL can be found at


JoJo: 不熟悉……也基本上不接触^^

Are you familiar with foreign scanlation groups? Have you ever dealt with any of them?

JoJo: Not familiar...I don't really try to contact any either ^^


JoJo: 不了解……


Can you talk a bit about the Chinese scanlation scene? Are there any well-known groups or individuals?

JoJo: I'm not really familiar with that.

I rarely rate others...and recently...I really don't have the time or interest to recall anything...*sweat*...I don't want to feel like I'm writing an autobiography in preparation for my death... ^^


JoJo: 每个在连载的……基本都是因为有成员在喜欢……所以才会持续……


What do you think is JoJoHot's most popular or successful project? Do you follow any other scanlation groups in China?

JoJo: All our projects...are alive...because there are members who enjoy them...

A few years ago I often watch American TV shows, these years I've been watching news more often...been watching too much ~ but can't really write them've been playing badminton a lot recently...and am reading less and less manga.


JoJo: 汉化……还在坚持……



Thank you! Say something to your overseas fans!

JoJo: Scanlation...still holding on...

Public welfare...those in China don't understand...those outside China don't care...

Passion...still holding on...