Trouble, Pain, and Agony in Furinkan!

Okay, so there's something wrong and you can't get your Ranma, and you want to know why! Well, hopefully this page will help you get your Ranma ;)

First off, the Ranma files are all on the same computer as this page, so if you're seeing the page, the Ranma files are up and functional. There are a few limitations put on the Manga, due to my limited bandwidth. A more in-depth note about it is available.

Here's a list of error messages you might get:
"530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (1) from your host are already connected."

"530 Sorry, the maximum number of allowed clients (7) already connected."

Those really are the only two errors you should get. If you get a general "host not found" error or the like, then either the server is broken and you're seeing this in a cache, or the server is so bogged down it can't respond. Also, web browsers make very bad ftp clients. See the error for maximum number of clients from your host for an explanation and solution.

If you're still having trouble, drop me a line and I'll try to help you out.
