The RanmaScan Reader III


Last Modified By: John C. McCabe-Dansted
Last Modified On: 26/3/2002

The RanmaScan Reader III has been tested under a number of browsers, but no doubt there are some browsers that will have problems. If it does not work under your favorite browser then please mail me - unless your browser does not support javascript, in which case you will have to view the images the old way from at Before you mail me check, that javascript is enabled in your browser :)

This help file starts off somewhat meaningful, but degenerates into techno-babble, so don't feel pressured into reading all of it.


You can go to the next page just by clicking on the image. In the two pages per screen mode, you can click on the right hand page to "turn it over" and go to the next page, similarly you can also click on the left page to go to to the previous page.

One thing I would find pretty cool would be to set the reader to automatically scroll through the manga, so I can just watch, without having to press any keys. I am working on a javascript page for doing just that, when I am done I will probably put it up on my web page .

Browsers that work with the RanmaScan Reader III

Browsers tested and found to work perfectly:
The following browsers are fully supported:
Although fully supported, they do not support changing the image size, so all pages are displayed at the same size. This is OK for most pages, but some pages have very unusual dimesions - and end up looking kind of squashed.
The following browsers are usable but have slight problems:
The following browsers do not work at all:


A number of issues that tripped me up when attempting to make the RanmaScan Reader portable to most browsers are discussed below.

Javascript debugging quick links

Javascript Console (Netscape Only)
Show navigator.userAgent