Cloning 202
Cloning 202 covers the common, nerve-racking occurence of text on top of images (as opposed to being in a bubble). When this happens, you have to clone out the text on the image so that the image appears whole (you can't just white it out). For difficult clones, where it's more than just cloning in a gradient, it might be best to clone before you resize the image (but after you rotate, crop, and level). The bigger image gives you more detail to work with. The example I'll be working with is this un-resized frame:

Now keep in mind that the text translation covers a large section of the area, so you technically don't have to clone the entire thing perfectly.

Since the image is unresized, the text is larger so that it will shrink down to the text size I need it. Now hide the text and zoom in (always zoom in for cloning). Basically, to clone over this text, all you need to do is select a different clone source for each area. The following image shows each little step; the blue dot is the clone source, and the red dot and pink square is where I started cloning and continued cloning through.

All the steps above might not be exact, but I hope you understood the general process from it. Select a different source for each bit, and be prepared to undo the clone if it doesn't fit right. Of course, you wouldn't have to do these steps in order, that's just how I chose to do it. The final resized result:

The most important thing to remember is to have patience. Clones will take you time, especially before you learn to eyeball what a good source would be. Good cloning is what separates a good editor from a bad one, so make sure to practice your cloning before you apply to a group.
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