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#MangaScreener on Irc.Irchighway.Net
What you need to download or chat:
What you need to if you want to host files on IRC:
Where you need to go:
Getting Started:

Shaaia's #MANGASCREENER IRC Tutorial
(Revised for Irchighway.Net by Himiko)


Hello! This is a help site that I made for people that are struggling on IRC, or just people on their precious 'first time'! This help is intended for the majority of channels on the IRC networks, and of course, MangaScreener. To use this help file for other channels or networks simply substitute instructions where appropriate. Sorry, it's a bit rough, I'll make it more clear and detailed in the future, good day!

What is IRC?
Mirc.Com describes it as

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is one of the most popular and most interactive services on the Internet. Sure, the Web is nice for finding info and E-mail beats snailmail hands down, but when you've been wondering 'where the others are?', then IRC is what you're looking for.

IRC is the net's equivalent of CB radio. But unlike CB, Internet Relay Chat lets people all over the world participate in real-time conversations. IRC is where the Net comes alive!

Using an IRC client (program) you can exchange text messages interactively with other people all over the world. Some of the more popular chat clients are mIRC, Pirch, and Virc for Windows and Homer or Ircle for Mac's. What program you use doesn't really matter; all of them connect to the same chat networks. When logged into a chat session, you "converse" by typing messages that are instantly sent to other chat participants.

In short: It's a way of chatting and transferring files. You just need to get an IRC program, find a server to connect to, connect to the right channel, and then learn the commands to find and download files. This page will teach you all of those steps.

Getting Ready for IRC:
First things first, you have to get an IRC client. Most users prefer mIRC, (my own favourite), but there are plenty of others out there. PolarisIRC, Sysreset and Invision are IRC clients that also include options for creating an Fserve. You can download mIRC at, it's a free download! First-time users should use mIRC, it has a useful helpfile just in case you're stuck. Once you have installed the opened the program, you are ready to join that wonderful online community!

Connecting to an IRC Server:
Please note: the following images and instructions are for and from the IRC client mIRC.

Configuring IRC Options for Use in a Channel
When opening up mIRC, the first thing that will pop up is a dialog box labeled 'mIRC Options'. All options are self-explanatory, fill in your nickname and an alternative nickname (just in case your first nickname is already taken by somebody else on the net).

Under the 'Category' menu on your left, click on 'Identd', and check the box for 'Enable Ident Server'. Type in any User ID you need for the box beneath, just make sure it's VERY unique. In case you're going to be on IRC for downloads scroll down on your left and select the sub-option 'Folders' under 'DCC'. 
Click on the Add button to create a new profile under 'DCC Get Folders'. Type in extensions of file that you might be download as examples for mIRC to recognize. (ie: if you're downloading .zip files, or windows video .avi files, type in " *.avi,*.zip, " and so on...) The button beneath the 'Into this Folder' option allows you to change the directory where the files are downloaded to. You're done setting up mIRC, and hit OK!

When you're done, scroll back up on the 'Category' menu on your left, and click on 'Connect'. Select the network of servers that you would like to connect to, and a server under that network in the space below. After you're done selecting, just hit the 'Connect to IRC Server' button, and you're done!

Joining an IRC Channel
You're one-third of the way there! To join a channel, any channel, just type ' join #<channel name> ' in your status window. A new window will open for the channel you have just entered, and to chat, simply type in the space below the conversation area, and that's how you can chat within the channel. (How can you tell which window is your Status window? If you haven't connected to a server, it's a window that's just blank without any text at all, and clicking on its Maximize button would change the program title to 'mIRC16/32 - [Status]' !)

Example: To join the channel, in the Status window, you type in ' /join #Mangascreener ' and you'll automatically be brought into the channel! Simple isn't it? Unless you are banned for some foolish idiocy of breaking the rules.

Always remember to read the topic in each channel, it might contain interesting news, ideas, or important announcements concerning whatever you're in the channel for. If, by any chance, you forgot to read the channel topic, and you've gone too far into a conversation to scroll up the screen, you can type in ' //topic # ' in the channel window to see the topic displayed again.

Once you have polished off the topic, the next thing you should always remember to do is to READ the RULES! Some channels vary, they may have strict rules, and others may have a lax security, but most sets of rules usually give instructions on how to behave in the channel, language, and of course, (for leechers) information on downloading.

From here, you're free to do anything you want, to talk, to chat with others, and to share files, of course.

The last thing you probably want to do upon entering a channel is to get a list of all the people offering files for download via FTP or FSERV. In this case you simply type ' !list ' in the channel window.

Please note*: There are some channels that demand that you have to be a 'registered' user to enter their channel, and some, with a channel 'key' (basically a password). For you to register your nickname on MIRCX, type ' /nickserv help ' in your Status window and follow the text-based instructions. For a channel that demands for a 'key', you can try in two ways: 
1. Guess the password, and if you think you have it, type ' /join <#channel> <'key'> .
2. If the channel has its own specific website, visit the website for clues on to what the key is.

Downloading on IRC

Once in the channel, you have two choices:
Search for a File
Check for FileServers and FTP Ads.

1. Searching for a File
Some IRC channels allow you to search for a specific file. Please be careful of this fact, as some channels allow for file searching, and some channels don't. Always make sure to read the rules, and check if you're allowed. To search, simply type ' @find <search item> ' in the channel window 

Example: ' @find cat's eye ' will search for all possible directories, files and text that include the words 'cat's' and 'eye' in it.. Results of your search are usually sent to you through a private message window, and include instructions for retrieving the file(s) or else they appear in the channel window.. Note that @find will only work when the fserv has it's "respond to @find" function active. And usually most fservs do not turn it on, so chances of getting something you want by doing a @find are very slim. Doing a "!list" as explained below is a much better option.

2. Checking for FileServers and FTP Ads
Usually at the beginning of a topic in a channel, it will display the commands that you can type right away in the channel window. In Mangascreener's channel topic, you should notice right away the command for ' !list '. Typing this in the channel window will display the entire list of online FileServers and FTP Server advertisements.

Now you are ready to download. You should know how to use an FTP program, that goes without saying, just copy the information from FTP advertisement in the channel directly into your FTP client. Let's get started with a FileServer instead (let's call it an 'fserve' from now on, k'?). Let's take a look at the set of text below.

Whoa...that's a load of text. Let's break it down. First of all, this is kal-'s fserve. The second section tells us his fserve is online and functioning. The trigger to open up kal-'s fserve is ' /ctcp kal- |Mangas|! ' . Then there are no users out of his 5-user limit on his fserve. His maximum number of sends or 'uploads' to a user is only 1, to which is currently being used. There are 15 out of 16 possible queues on his server, so we're guessing it is pretty hard to get a file off of him. The next three sections, Bytes Sent, Files Sent, and Accesses, determine for us how much data he has uploaded, the total number of files he has uploaded, and the number of times users have opened up his fserve. That last section...we'll leave that up to you to figure out.

Working An FSERVE
After understanding one's fserve, you can type its trigger in the channel window, and a dialog will pop-up asking you if you would like to accept the sent DCC conversation.

Click 'Accept' to open up a new window, and from here, separate instructions for using the fserve will be given to you. In case you are stuck with the fserve, in that same conversation window, type ' help ' to get you started and to download.

The most common commands that you will see in most fserves are the ones that you see in the list below here (Under "Commands".) Let's start out with a basic explanation of the commands. Ever heard of DOS? ' cd ' and ' dir ' definitely sound familiar don't they? And if you think they do, they are. Their functions are exactly the same. Here's a table I made for the functions of each command.


Function Example
cd <foldername> Goes to the named directory within current directory. You are in the ' / ' directory (starting directory), and you want to go into the folder ' ONE PIECE ' . 
You will type: cd ONE PIECE
cd.. Goes one directory/folder up. You are in the ' /ONE PIECE ' directory, and you want to go back to the start.
You will type: cd..
dir Lists the contents of the folder you are currently in.
(Single-column listing.)
You want to see the contents of whichever folder you are located in.
You will type: dir
ls Lists the contents of the folder you are currently in.
(Multiple-colume listing.)
You want to see the contents of whichever folder you are located in.
You will type: ls
get <filename> Gets the file corresponding to the text to the right of the command.
(Must specify file extension!)
You are in the ' /ONE PIECE ' directory, and you want to download the
' ' you see.
You will type: get 
say Allows you message all other users that are using the fserve you are on. You want to message everybody.
You will type: say (and then your message)
sends Will display the server's current sends, their speeds, how long it will take to finish, and which users are downloading. You're bored, you don't know how many download slots there are, or you're wondering why you're put in a queue.
You will type: sends
stats Will display the server's highest send speed record, server's total data transferred, and etc. You want to know the record of others, most commonly downloaded files, and total data sent.
You will type: stats
swap Changes files position between your own queues on the fserve. You want to switch ' ' (in queue position #4) with ' ' whose position is #2.
You will type: swap
queues Will display the total number of queues possible on the fserve, the number of queue slots used, what files are being queued, which user they are being queued by, and the order of the queues.  You want to check how many people are waiting, and guess how long you might wait.
You will type: queues
who Displays to you which users are currently using the fserve. You want to see if other people using the server might have what you want.
You will type: who
clr_queues Will remove all of your file queues. You're tired of waiting, or you have to disconnect and turn off the computer, but you don't want to cause trouble for others because of taken slots.
You will type: clr_queues
clr_queue <#> Will remove your file queued to the corresponding number you type. You change your mind, and want to get rid of ' ' in queue slot #4.
You will type: clr_queue 4
exit The most simple command. (What do you think it does?) Try it for yourself, there's a message. ^_^

Once you start a successful 'get' command, you'll be prompted with this pop-up dialog, or if not, it will just automatically download.

What to do? Just choose your directory to download to and hit the 'Accept' button to start downloading! ^_^


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