[Crop] [Gutter] [Bent lines] [Dirt] [Curves] [Resize & Unsharp] [PNG Save]
Fixing bent lines

Now let's take a short break from cleanup and straighten out some lines. Here's a panel border that's curved from the scanning process:

the bottom border visible here to the left is how both the curved line to the right and the right-side line should look. So, it's cloning time. To make the cloning easier I'm going to use a size 5 square brush.

The line on the right side I'll fix not by cloning, though;I'm just going to draw it using a size 3 brush with 0% hardness. (Remember,  this is before resizing. This makes it look correct after resizing. I've made a preset for this and stuck it in the bottom left of my brush presets palette.)

This makes it easy to keep things straight. Clicking with a small round brush will often set you off by one pixel. And now I'll start cloning....

Here I've started the cloning process. And here's the bottom corner after cloning and brushing.

Here's the side line before and after brushing. Notice how the line width increases toward the margin, not toward the picture:

Now here are a couple more pictures of fixes:

goes to

this is pretty straightforward...probably not even worth mentioning, but I may as well say something since it was one of the steps taken.

At the top of the page I straighten not just the panel borders:

And here's some of the final result, at 50% view (closedly approximates what the finished page will look like):

[Crop] [Gutter] [Bent lines] [Dirt] [Curves] [Resize & Unsharp] [PNG Save]