Leveling the pages for the best effect...

We are dealing with black and white pages for the most part so we want the blacks to be black and the whites to be white!

The best way to do this is with the level dialog box (CTRL + L).

This is the level dialog box were you set your levels to make a nice pretty image.


The arrows have been moved to the insides of the peaks. You want to be careful of going to far because then you lose the gray shading. Or not far enough because then you have to much gray that wasn't intended to be there. Once you do this a few times you start to get a feel for the right balance.

Notice how the black and whites stand out now?


Once you have the basic levels adjusted you sometimes have to go in and clean up a little more. On the edges there is often gray area that needs to be erased. I do this with the brush tool (B) or the rectangle tool (U).
Sometimes there are spots in the blacks too. I clean these up with the brush tool (B) as well. If it doesn't show up at 3X magnification I usually don't worry about it to much. Though your group may want you to be more careful about it.


At times you also get something called gutter shadow that shows up where the page bends inwards towards the binding. Since this can be more complicated I will deal with it in another tutorial.

Now onto removing text. 

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